Fridge Magnet
These small decorative magnets that are put on a fridge, often in order to fasten messages and notes to it. fridge magnets are called memomagnetist, which comes from the words memoriale (Latin for memory) and magnetis (Greek for magnetic). Fridge Magnets in our contemporary world are used widely; the most important one is expanding a business. These advertising magnets are suitable for corporation and company use. Customized Fridge magnet as corporate gifts has been in demands and been increasing in order these days. That is because fridge magnets are timeless gifts that could be kept and never be lost, because once it sticks on the fridge door, or CPU, or even the whiteboard, the fridge magnets hardly will be removed. The power of magnetic also symbolized as the relationship between the customers and supplier that drawn tight together. Therefore, fridge magnet has become one of the most satisfactory corporate gifts. It is a fact that these magnets get used any way. We will mention why, and how to make them more effective.
Some people may fear these small decoratives to damage their fridge, hanging up magnets. Magnets need iron to attach and iron oxidations happens when exposed to oxygen and water. Rust reduces the attraction of a magnet, but this is not true for these refrigerator magnets.
It surely has no impact on the fridge function. Fridge magnets do not harm the function of your fridge, and you can easily use neodymium magnets to pin your reminders on your refrigrator.
Different use of fridge magnet:
- Display your favorite moments and photos
- Make a homemade one as a home craft
- Show your kid’s art by using them to stick it on the fridge
- You can post items such as shopping lists
- They could be used as a daily reminder
- They are popular souvenirs
- Simply serves as decoration

How they the help your business
Refrigerator magnets come in a various shapes and sizes, and could have advertising messages placed on them. What make this item different and a lot more valuable for ideal marketing is the brand visibility. This means statically the more people see your brand, the more increase in brand awareness be. The undeniable fact of existing a refrigerator in every individual’s house holds the power of such advertisements being remarkably effective and successful. Besides, the average person will open the fridge 10 to 15 times a day. As you can see, there is a lot of power in advertising when you use magnets to advertise your business. Take a moment to think of another advertising method that fascinates your audience between 10 or 15 times a day, or in other words 450 times a month, 5400 times every year. No other form of marketing could be compared to this. Now think about the fact that most customers who receive promotional fridge magnets leave them on their fridge for years to come. This means refrigerators are frequently used by not just a member of family, but by every person living in the house throughout the day. In doing so, even in a nuclear family there is a chance for your advert to be seen. Refrigerator magnets can effectively promote your business and the services you provide. As they stick well enough, these refrigerator magnets will not get lost or misplaced or they seldom do get thrown away. Although these magnetic items cost more than a business card or other types of advertising items, the exposure you get will absolutely be above the line. That is the reason why these magnets are getting popular these years.
How they have more impact
Fridge magnets can be ordered in any shape, size and color. What impact on your advertisement is the quality and design in order to give the target market a creative item to be seen every day and night on the fridge. It is obvious that there is no limit to the design possibilities. The most significant thing to know is to keep your information readable including a short slogan. If so, it will lead to the maximum potential of your brand awareness. In addition, since more and more businesses use are using such advertisement tool to promote their brand, your magnet should be the most qualified and interesting one. As long as you keep your magnet irreplaceable, it will have the chance to be seen for years and years. Note pads, clips, calendar and a stick note are common but useful ideas of such things, which exemplify such notions.
In magenta print, we have a team of professional individuals who provide you with all these services A-Z. Graphic design of your refrigerator magnet and other advertising tools including printing, staging and photography with reasonable prices and high quality all under one umbrella, promoting your business and helping your brand gain more exposure.