11 Tips Designing Bookmarks
We all know what bookmarks are and what exactly their use is. They have been used since 1st century AD. Bookmarks, or known as think markers are used to keep the place you were reading in a book in order to allow you to come back to it easily with no waste of time. They have been made of various materials including card, leather, and fabric over the years. Not everyone is a heavy reader but anyone who reads more than a book a year need this simple and essential tool to keep track of their reading.
How to Use
To make the use of this tool easier for you, it is a good idea to use the bookmarks with 2 different side so you could put a smart key for yourself to know what page were you. It would be more creative to use it upside down if you were at the end of the page and if you were at the first line use it correct. There are a lot more creative and great ideas about how to use them correctly.
Tips for Designing a Bookmark
Bookmarks are not just for a one-time use. They can be used many times with different books so their design and template is the most important factor. Not only should it be handy and in the correct size, but also they should grab the target market attention in order to inspire them for reading more.
- The market these bookmarks affect are bookworms basically, so they are not looking for a business card with a lot of information about your project or company in the middle of their books. Be careful about your design and words.
- Do not write a lot of information. Nobody ever going to read many sentences on a bookmark every time. But a simple and short sentence can stick on the users mind easily after a period of time.
- These bookmarks should contain a beautiful sense. So choose or design the picture or graphic art carefully. This is not to say that it should be something different and hard to understand or feel. Nevertheless, it should have something to tell.
- As there are thousands of different and eye-catching bookmarks for sale. Yours should be as good and creative as they should.
- Select the size correctly. A bookmark should be between 5 and 8 centimeter wide, and it should be between 12 and 21 centimeter long. So that they could fit in every kind of book with various sizes.
- These bookmarks should not be thick. Usually a 250 grams paper or even 150 grams paper are a good choice. If you want your bookmark seem a lot more attention-grabbing laminate it. So that is could become so perfect that the reader wants to keep it. As a notice laminate can be matte too, you can choose them if it goes with your design.
- Not all the bookmarks should be in the common rectangular shape. They can be designed creatively but such bookmarks cost more as they consist a shaped cut.
- A well-designed bookmark include two different side. A one-side bookmark could be considered as an unprofessional work.
- The back side is the most important part for you. Cause your address, email, phone number and other contact information should be there, but not all of them. Be simple and do not write these information too big. Let your content grab the attention so that the target market would like to know what company this bookmark is for.
- They are two different type of bookmarks.
– Contain image
– Contain text
If yours include a text, keep it short and unique. The size and font have a huge impact on the final look.
If yours include an image, try as much image or graphics as you could. Finding a suitable image, which fits inside these long bookmarks, is hard and usually need a good crop. It can be a famous painting, featuring photo, illustrations and contemporary drawings. The colors harmony is an important factor. Another considerable factor is that for this type it is absolutely necessary to print them and choose between them.
- A new method that is becoming popular is that you can have a calendar on your bookmark. It is not that novel, but it is the most useful type of bookmark which many people keep it for everyday use instead of using it as a book mark inside their books.
All in all, bookmarks have no boundary in design and your creativity or imagination is the only key you could use, no matter what is your content. They can be real marketing tool. So be fun, interesting, poetic, artistic, intelligent or beautiful. Promote yourself with this essential tool, so that people will not forget your brand.